Spring Break Karate Camp



2025 Spring Break

Karate Camp


March 17th - 21st


Karate Class: 

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: Campers will participate in Karate class.

Tuesday and Thursday: Special activities


Other Activities: 

Lunch & (2) Snack Times, Outdoor Play, Games and more!


Camp Tuition & Hours: 

Registration: $189

Sibling discount: $10 off

Camp Activities: 8:00am to 3:30pm (early drop off @7:30am)

Drop off: 7:30am - 8:15am / Pick up: 3:30pm - 4:00pm / Grace: 4:00pm - 4:30pm

Late pick up: 4:30pm - 6:00pm $40 for the week = Total $229


Deadline to sign up & turn in paperwork: 

Wednesday, March 12th


Items needed: 

Uniform (gi) and Belt for Karate Classes: Monday, Wednesday and Friday

Girls: need a undershirt that matches the color of their gi

Lunch and 2 snacks: Healthy (non-microwavable, room temperature)

Water bottle: Reusable non-spill (no plastic bottles) 

OPTIONAL: ONE portable game device to use @ the end of the day (@ 3:30pm)  NO CELL PHONES, IPODS ETC


Save your spot today!!!